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Economic and social reforms in Slovakia: on some aspects of public policy process and interests advocacy

Beblavý, Miroslav and Sičáková, Emília
An article, which claims that, both “ winners” and “ losers” contrive to block political and economic reform. It argues that this leads to economic stagnation and decline. It contrasts what the authors think should be done with what is actually done.. According to the article the desire to join the EU is used to formulate and then push through unpopular policies. The writer recommends, among other things, that financial realism in public policy and a clearly defined vision are necessary in order to make progress.
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Contributor: Slovak Governance Institute - http://www.governance.sk
Topic: Politics and Governance
Country: Slovakia
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2002
Keywords: Economic Reform, Governance, NGO, Political Reform, Unions
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