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Poverty and reform of financial support to the poor

Bogicevic, Biljana and Krstic, Gorana
This lengthy work must surely provide a role model for those interested in undertaking statistical analysis of poverty in their own country. It is an in-depth look at poverty within Serbian Society and spends a considerable time on defining what poverty is. The difficulty, as always, is to uncover the real truth about individual earnings as the Serbians, like the peoples in so many other emerging economies (and even some established ones) which have experienced years of opporesion, are very reticent about revealing what those earnings actually are! It was decided to base the analysis on other criteria, for example, the expenses incurred by households, something which the occupants were only to happy to disclose! Another problem was defining what was a ‘poverty line’. The authors identified two standards, ‘absolute’ and ‘relative’, the first being the minimum for survival, the second being the expectations based on the general living standard of Serbian society. A considerable part of the report is devoted to providing information is tabular or graphical representation form based on the authors’ research using advanced statistical methods. The last part of the report is dedicated to proposing changes in the way financial assistance is offered to the poor including revisions to child allowances and social assistance payments are administered to those who really need them.
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Contributor: Center for Liberal-Democratic Studies - http://www.clds.org.rs/newsite/eng_naslovna.html
Topic: Economy and Development
Country: Serbia
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2003
Keywords: Poverty, Public Finance, Public Opinion
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