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New competition policy

Begovic, Boris and Bukvic, Rajko et al
This paper is the result of cooperation between the CLDS and foreign competition policy experts as part of the project “New Competition Policy”, part of the USAID Economic Policy for Economic Efficiency Project. It attempts to build new legislation as a first step in a longer process towards having policy and institutions concerning competition. The authors looked at the forms of competition policy around the world and at the local situation in FR Yugoslavia, to set out recommendations that would be suitable and workable. It proposes that the new competition policy should, broadly speaking compatible with EU competition policy, but with several additions. One example of this applies to restrictive agreements, of which the author identifies three: cartel agreements (H1 group), horizontal agreements other than those covered by the first group (H2 group), and vertical agreements (V). The first group should be prohibited in the view of the authors, while the other two subject to scrutiny.
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Contributor: Center for Liberal-Democratic Studies - http://www.clds.rs/newsite/eng_clds.html
Topic: Politics and Governance
Country: Serbia
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2003
Keywords: Competition, Economic Policy, Foreign Trade, Transparency
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