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Constitutional reorganization of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Fleiner, Thomas and Schneider, Hans-Peter and Watts, Ronals L.
Political interests and passions often hinder a rational search for a way out of a crisis. The aim of this study is to provide a better understanding of the problem and a rational search for a way out of the present day impasse in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It is produced by three experts in the spheres of federalism and constitutional law, whose previous experience includes dealing with political problems from a variety of states such as Canada, Switzerland, South Africa and Cyprus. At present the general attitude of the international community is in favour of preserving and reforming the federation. The authors also support a federal solution to the state of crisis in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In addition to trying to present a scientific analysis, there are also recommendations on mechanisms by which a federal balance can be reached in the case of a two-member federation.
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Contributor: Center for Liberal-Democratic Studies - http://www.clds.org.rs/newsite/eng_naslovna.html
Topic: Politics and Governance
Country: Serbia, Montenegro
Document Type: Policy Analyses
Year: 2002
Keywords: Constitutional Reform, Democracy, Institution Building, Legality, Minorities
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